One of the most unique features that come with the Evolt 360 Body Composition Analyzer is the availability of a macronutrient analysis for clients and non-clients alike following a body scan.

It’s a component of the Evolt 360 that uses artificial intelligence to determine an individual’s macronutrient profile – done by measuring skeletal muscle mass in a bid to discover basal metabolic rate. A more traditional way of creating a macronutrient profile uses overall weight and calculating by hand, which of course is subject to human error, however, given we live in a digital age it makes sense to take advantage of scientific-backed technology to deliver reliable and repeatable results to as many people as possible.

What the Evolt 360 calculates is information about the relative and absolute amount of carbohydrates, fats and protein to track total calorie intake for an individual. There’s far more to achieving body shape goals than simply exercise, and by learning what macronutrients are required, training becomes more easily fueled and results are achieved faster.

The 3 Macronutrients Explained

Carbohydrates – Often misjudged as food enemy no. 1, carbohydrates are a vital role in bodily functions, providing the most important energy source because it converts macros into glucose to fuel organs and muscles.

Fats – Despite getting a bad reputation, fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 are essential to good health as they play vital roles in anti-inflammation, fight against heart disease and diabetes, help with relieving rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, and reducing triglycerides in the blood.

Proteins – Also known as the ‘muscle macro’, protein is made up of 20 amino acids and is the most important macro when goals are to gain and maintain strength and size.

Overall, people are generally frustrated by restrictive diets that aren’t right for their body type. Yet in just 60 seconds the Evolt 360, through its evidence-based technology, can identify an individual’s unique macronutrient profile – all dependent on their body composition.

Once a scan is complete, signing up and logging into the integrated and highly intuitive Evolt Active app will allow for all scan results, including a macronutrient profile, to be accessed easily and viewed. This platform provides a powerful insight into the number of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that should be consumed and subsequent energy to be expelled for optimum improvements for that person’s particular body type.

It’s technology unsurpassed and unequaled in the industry.

So how can you incorporate macronutrients into a client’s fitness regime?


Teaching them that macronutrient profiling is not a one-size-fits-all approach is first and foremost; profiling is different from person to person and depends on a range of factors – including all those measurements the Evolt 360 is responsible for taking. Learning about macronutrients and how they’re an excellent tool for losing weight or making gains will help promote healthy nutrition and positive lifestyle changes in the long term.


Point out to your clients that tracking macros is a great way to make sure they are getting the proper nutrients and energy balance to smash their workouts. With the right tools, like the Evolt Active app, counting macros can help them stay on track with their eating and continue to meet and exceed fitness goals.


Once clients have started to see how the correct intake of macronutrients is working together positively with their fitness regime, they’ll understand the benefits and necessity to combine the two to maintain good health, wellness and fitness.

The Evolt 360 Body Composition Analyzer and its partnership tool, the Evolt Active app, are the perfect resources to help clients discover how many macronutrients they should be eating every day in line with their fitness regimens, health goals and what body type they have. Helping them cut out the ‘macro clutter’, the Evolt 360 does the initial calculations for them, with each macronutrient percentage personal for everyone.

Your clients will keep their bodies in perfect balance with the help of the Evolt 360’s macronutrient profiling analysis, and they’ll see how being armed with knowledge is the key to successful fitness goals.

Contact us for more information on the Evolt 360 Body Composition Scanner and how it can help your business.