Are you looking for new ideas to grow your business – ways to generate new leads, re-engage your inactive members and retain your clients long-term? What if we told you the silver bullet solution is sitting right under your nose.

1. Expanding your customer base through mobile scanning services

Corporates are making the health and wellness of their employees a top priority on their agenda. Companies from all industries are looking at ways to engage & motivate their own employees by setting them clear guidelines to reach their goals and supporting them both mentally and physically along their employee’s journey. These benefits, which were once a nice to have are now expected in the workplace.  The corporate world is struggling to find motivating and cost-effective ways to engage their employees which is where the Evolt 360 comes in.

TIP: Write down a list of local mid to large sized businesses to approach by email, phone or in person. Offering to run corporate challenges utilising the challenge feature / reporting in your Evolt Insights dashboard or regular Evolt 360 body composition checks are low-cost simple solutions that can be offered out to local businesses to motivate and improve productivity amongst their employees. A nice touch is that you can also provide an individual summary and certificate for each challenge participant immortalizing their results.

With the Evolt 360’s lightweight portability, it’s easy to offer your mobile scanning services to increase your revenue stream and entice new customers into your business.

For marketing collateral to help you promote your mobile scanning service, check out the Resources Section in your Evolt Insights dashboard.

Silver bullet

2. Re-engaging your existing clients with tailored offerings

People are increasingly time poor and are no longer content to pay for a service without any guarantee of results. They want to see evidence of their progression and proof that their health and wellness regime is working. Understandably they are expecting to be offered an initial assessment to set a benchmark for their journey; have regular check ins on their progress and be given workable strategies to put them back on track if they falter. Businesses that fail to offer these services are falling behind and seeing their clients leave at an accelerated rate.

TIP: Generate reports in the Evolt Insights data management platform to show which customers are a retention risk or who have been regressing. Show them some love and invite them in for a free scan and consult to get them back on track.

3. Engage your local community to attract new customers to your business 

Most people thinking of embarking on their health and wellness journey don’t know how or where to start. By offering an initial body composition scan, prospective clients can set their goals, establish a baseline and be given some direction on how they can successfully achieve those goals.

TIP: Set up a display in your local shopping centre and offer a free Evolt 360 scan as an introduction to your business’ services.

Silver bullet

4. Offer Companion Products or Services: Customers are no longer just looking for an end result but are wanting to be offered the complete journey. This opens up the floor for any number of related products and services; from supplements and tailored training programs to meal plans and motivational offerings.

Tip: Capitalize on the individual supplement and macronutrient recommendations displayed on your client’s result sheets. Increase client spend by on-selling them supplements, meal plans or training programs.

You may also like Bringing Nutrition to Fitness with the Supplement and Macronutrient Profile 

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