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Certification Course & Training

Become a specialist in Evolt Body Composition Scanning!

Get all the skills and knowledge you need to be able to help your members.
Complete the free course and book in your Online Training Session with one of our Specialists.

This platform provides the owner and operators a broader knowledge base of the capabilities of the technology, science, user experience, marketing, and other aspects of the Evolt 360.
Please ensure all current and new staff complete this course before they operate the Evolt 360.

Quick facts before you get scanning

It is not recommended to scan whilst pregnant or suspected pregnancy.
Quick facts before you get scanning

It is not recommended to scan if you have a pacemaker or similar device implanted.
Quick facts before you get scanning

Maximum weight is 240 kg or 528 lbs.
Quick facts before you get scanning

The technology passes a signal which travels through the 5 compartments to provide a reading of the impedance & reactance of tissue. Depending on the size of the implant will depend on whether the signal can travel through all compartments unimpeded. The Evolt 360 will provide a message if the impedance is interrupted and not able to supply a reading.
Quick facts before you get scanning

As the technology requires enough tissue for the impedance to flow through all 5 compartments (limbs and torso), people with prosthetic limbs will not be able to obtain a sufficient reading.
Quick facts before you get scanning

Please remove any band-aids that are attached to your fingers, palms or under your feet if it is safe to do so.
Quick facts before you get scanning

Please remove any activity tracking devices such as Apple Watch or FitBit to avoid any interference with the frequency.
Using Your Evolt 360 Scanner

Correct position to measure

How to Touch Electrodes

Using Your Evolt 360 Scanner

Measurement analysis

How to Grip Handle Electrodes

Using Your Evolt 360 Scanner

Measuring Posture

Using Your Evolt 360 Scanner

Scanning Process for your Clients

Download the Evolt Active App
Step 2
Sign in or register on the body scanner
Step 4
Clients can view their results via the print out or on the Evolt Active App
Step 6
Step 1
Ensure Height and DOB are correct for scan accuracy
Step 3
Wipe feet and hands and proceed to measurement
Step 5
View progress via tracking graphs on the Evolt Active App
Step 1
Download the Evolt Active App
Step 1
Step 2
Ensure Height and DOB are correct for scan accuracy
Step 2
Step 3
Sign in or register on the body scanner
Step 3
Step 4
Wipe feet and hands and proceed to measurement
Step 4
Step 5
Clients can view their results via the print out or on the Evolt Active App
Step 5
Step 6
View progress via tracking graphs on the Evolt Active App
Step 6
Explaining Scan Results

Evolt 360 Technology

As with all forms of body composition, the technology of bioelectrical impedance (BIA) requires standardized conditions when scanning to provide proper repeatability of measurements. The technology reads impedance and reactance of tissue at a point in time which can differentiate Lean Body Mass from Body Fat Mass.

The human body is quite dynamic in response to training stimulus, nutrient partitioning and supplementation/medications so those things need to be taken into account with respect to scan readings. The technology is validated in science and used in medicine so generally, variabilities in scan results are mostly due to human factors, this is why we always ensure there are standardized conditions around testing.

The most important aspect of using BIA technology is to ensure the circumstances around comparison scans are controlled, so all scans need to be performed under the following conditions:

Evolt Insights Management Dashboard


Evolt’s major differentiator is the Evolt Insights analytic platform. Business owners can view their user’s scans, access their progress charts, generate data analytics, run challenges and see which users are progressing or regressing at the click of a button. Keep track of the performance, engagement & retention of your members. Unlock the full potential of your Evolt 360 Body Scanner.

The #1 reason members join the gym is to change their body composition. In today’s competitive environment if gyms are not tracking this data their members are at risk of leaving.

With the amount of customer data being collected, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. The strength of the Evolt platform is in its ability to focus on the metrics that matter.

Evolt Insights Management Dashboard​


Challenges are the perfect way to engage your current members, upsell programs and attract new members to your club.

The Inbuilt Evolt Challenge Facilitator makes running Challenges a breeze. For more tips on running a challenge and measurement accuracy, see our blogs below or reach out at any time for additional training or materials.

Are you effectively measuring your member’s progress to ensure they are on track to reach their goals? If the answer is “no” you’re not alone. From a recent survey conducted, over 68% of gyms, health businesses, and personal trainers did not know how effective their member’s training was or what they needed to do to keep their members on track.

The Evolt 360 makes it easy to measure incremental changes in your client’s body composition, allowing you to tailor advice and even programs to suit their individual requirements. With over 40 data points collected from each and every scan, you are able to access a wealth of information at your fingertips. See at a glance client uptake, re-scan rate, and benchmark your performance against the industry standard.

View your individual client scan history and harness the power of the data to keep clients engaged in their wellness regime.

Evolt Insights Management Dashboard​

The Lowdown on Body Composition with Dr. Chris Mclellan

Dr Chris McLellan, a Professor in Sports and Exercise Science has lent his expertize gained from an extensive and impressive career in elite sports, in the area of high performance and body composition to talk about all things body composition.

Marketing Your Scanner

Using the Scanner for Pre-sales

Your Success Is Our Success!

Access your Implementation Success Guide for hints on how to use the Evolt 360 effectively to increase business outcomes.

We are proud to support our Evolt owners with access to our Owner’s Portal – a hub where we give you the latest content, resources and training materials to ensure you are successful with your system.

Follow us on socials @EVOLT360

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Or do you need to book in more Follow up Training? Ask us now.