Achieve a Leaner Body – How To Win At The Supermarket

Mark Robinson Talks Nutrition

How many of you find yourself walking into a supermarket with the intention to make this a healthy food shop, only to then find yourself getting annoyed when trying to understand the food label on the back of the packet?

Food Labels provide the key to unlocking a healthier you!

Using the Food Label to accurately distinguish between healthy and potentially harmful food and drink products is like judging products not by their cover but by their true traits, namely: their Macronutrient content.

Use these easy tips to make an accurate comparison between products and avoid making the wrong choice:

  1. Make your comparisons in the 100g column of all products, as this provides a standard measurement across the board. i.e. the serving size usually differs in weight per product, which can give you biased interpretations.
  2. Assess the Total Fat content of each product. The aim here is to choose a product that has less than 5g of Fat per 100g. The Fat macronutrient carries the largest contribution towards Total Calories or ‘weight gain’, thus it is a good idea to prioritize this result.
  3. Assess the Sugar content between these products, which are now clearly on trial for a possible pantry selection. Sugar is a subset of the Carbohydrate macronutrient, and a major contributor towards Diabetes as well as infant behaviour disorders, aim for less than 10g of Sugar per 100g.

The final necessary comparison to make is that of the Protein macronutrient. The aim here of course is to choose the product that has the higher Protein reading, as most of us would know, Protein functions enormously in muscular development, strength, definition, recovery, and immunity.

OK team, so ensure your food shop choices are aligned with your goals; for example ‘Leaning up for a beach body’. So say ‘NO’ once in the food shop rather than having to say it a thousand times every time you open your fridge or pantry.

Mark Robinson (Healthman Mark) is an Accredited Dietitian with a Masters Degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and Bachelor Degrees in Exercise Science & Psychological Science as well as being a Fitness Model World Champion.

Hop on an Evolt 360 for a full body composition analysis and to determine your macronutrient and supplement daily recommendation. The Evolt 360 Body Composition Analyzer, what we call the Intelligent Body Scanner, is a simple-to-use 60-second scan that provides detailed data about a body through more than 40 measurements. It works simply by passing a safe electrical current through the feet and hands.

The resistance to flow of the current determines the difference between muscle mass, fat mass, water and mineral — a measurement far beyond the one-size-fits-all generic BMI. All readings are specific to the individual, allowing trainers to better design a health and wellness program.

For more information on the Evolt 360 body scanner and to find your closest scanner location, download the Evolt Active app.